Tomas Karosas
The energy sector is very dynamic and complex. It is always intensely monitored and regulated, taking into account environmental concerns, volatile raw material and energy sales prices, the political environment and the public approach. Priority is given to energy efficiency, the transformation of heat economy, and these priorities implementing programs that will create conditions for improving the energy situation, to promote energy economy renewal, seek to establish reliable, high-quality, lowest cost-intensive heat production and supply methods, creating a direct benefit to consumers.
As the European Union member, Lithuania aims to further and deeper integration of the country's energy sector in the common EU energy market and the EU energy systems.
These daily needs and challenges can be combined with the help of our BDO team. Our professionals have great of experience in various projects, and in addition to the traditional package of services: audit, tax, and business consulting, we can help you solve the unique issues and problems.
Tomas Karosas